Wednesday, 25 December 2013

Merry Christmas to all Pugs (Palm Beach Ukulele Group)

Hi Pugs, we wish you all a very wonderful, happy, Merry Christmas. All the best to you and your families, you are all in our thoughts and prayers, we look forward to seeing you again in the New Year.

Remember we are here if you need any information. Get in touch. PUGS and here YMSPB and Yoga Palm Beach

We look forward to hearing from you 2014.

Mahalo nui

Lalita, JT & Jay

Thursday, 12 December 2013

Ukulele tabs

Hi Pugs, these guys have some really good info on their site, have a look for yourself if you like.

Remember to keep in touch here. PUGS and here YMSPB and Yoga Palm Beach
We look forward to hearing from you.

Lalita JT Shane B & Jay

Wednesday, 27 November 2013

Painted Uke

Hi Pugs, this handpainted ukulele is so pretty. Painted by Susan Van Giles, she has a shop on etsy.

K ... see you shortly ...! Happy strumming

Keep in touch here. PUGS and here YMSPB and Yoga Palm Beach
We look forward to hearing from you.


Sunday, 10 November 2013

Uke Fretboard

Hi Pugs, maybe some of you will find this helpful. I sure did. K ... cheerio see you soon.

Remember keep in touch here. PUGS and here YMSPB and Yoga Palm Beach
We look forward to hearing from you.

Mahalo :)

Thursday, 24 October 2013

Believe it or NOT - Ukulele

Hi Pugs, does anyone know if this is for real or not? Interesting, wow... cheap ...!
Hey, maybe next year we can get the Uke band going, someone remind me.

Keep in touch here. PUGS and here YMSPB and Yoga Palm Beach
We look forward to hearing from you.

See you in class.
Happy strumming :)

Friday, 11 October 2013

Ukulele Stories

Tony Halls Match Stick Ukulele

I am not a uke  player, but wondered if the unique ukulele my late father created
fits with Your Real Life Uke Stories?”

Jack Hall created this Soprano Ukulele in 1984 at the age of 79 years. It is 
entirely made with throw away wood matchsticks...10,000 matchsticks were
individually joined together with hide glue.

Matchsticks for the curved portions were pre-soaked in water and bent, and the
glued-together sections were weighted into shape with the aid of flat-irons, fire 
bricks and pans of water. 

The carving was fashioned with a knife, a file and a straight-edge razor; finishing
touches accomplished with graded sandpaper, before the clear varnish seal was

The main distinguishing features are the burnt matchstick ornamentation. The
 blackened, burnt match-heads were ingeniously interlocked to form herring bone
 and diamond designs on the front and back of the body, with soldier columns on
 the body sides and peg head front. 

The original white wood has aged nicely to a rich gold colour.

Construction was completed in four hundred hours...working five hours per day.
Jack completed the project with a case entirely made with 200 Cardboard

The ukulele is part of a collection in the book of Guinness World Records, 2003
Edition.  Abbreviated text says, "Tony Hall (UK) owns 10 playable musical
instruments made entirely from 106,000 used wooden matchsticks."

Get in touch here. PUGS and here YMSPB and Yoga Palm Beach
We look forward to hearing from you.

Team PUGS Lalita JT Jay and Shane B

Thursday, 26 September 2013

Ukulele - Palm Beach Pugs

At the end of the day it is so nice to be able to relax, stroll down to the beach and bathe in the last of the suns warm rays. Maybe watch the sun set and strum a few tunes of your ukulele. The yoga txts tell us that this is a particularly conducive time to practice meditation.

If you have ever contemplated learning how to meditate YMSA (Yoga Meditation Studios Australia) are offering FREE meditation lessons via skype. So very convenient, all you have to do is set yourself up in a nice comfy chair, and take part in the meditation class. You will find it really interesting, and it's always great to learn new things, especially information that can help you grow in so many way. Studies have shown that meditation helps with physiological as well as psychosomatic disorders. It's certainly worth having a think about it.

Here are the contact numbers:

Gorunga Yoga Studio Robyn Hansen: Ph: 07 5590 7746 or Email:

You may also Text or Call Yoga Meditation Studio Palm Beach speak to: Lalita 0468344108 ask for a booking and further details.


Keep in touch here. PUGS and here YMSPB and Yoga Palm Beach
We look forward to hearing from you.


Sunday, 1 September 2013

Ukulele lessons - PUGS

If you are interested in why we love to share the gift of meditation, go here and read a little about it. ymsau

Keep in touch here. PUGS and here YMSPB and Yoga Palm Beach

It's almost October 2013

Time has really flown, we have met tons of wonderful people and made some really nice friends.
Thanks to all of you for coming and strumming with us.
It's always lovely to see you.

Monday, 24 June 2013

Ukulele history Part 1 -Palm Beach Ukulele Group

Ukulele History

The ukulele isn't a native or ancient instrument: it started with Portuguese immigrants to Hawaii in the late 19th century. The largest wave of Portuguese immigration lasted about 30 years, and 11,000 Portuguese immigrants would arrive in its first decade.

The ukulele is not a direct descendant of any particular instrument; rather it is a hybrid, most likely of the machete and the five-string rajão. These instruments are all in a family of small guitar-like instruments dating from the 18th century. These and similar forms are still popular throughout Latin America, Spain and Portugal. These and other European instruments were originally imported into Hawaii by the immigrants, and continued to be imported through the late 19th century, even after local makers started building their own.

Manuel NunesManuel Nunes, Joao Fernandes, Augusto Dias and Jose do Espirito Santo all arrived from Portugal in Hawaii on the Ravenscrag, in 1879, along with 400-plus other immigrants, to work the sugar cane fields.

Fernandes allegedly surprised and delighted the dockside natives by playing tunes on a small stringed instrument. This has been variously identified as a Portuguese braguinha (a nickname for a Portuguese instrument also known as the cavaquinho), or a small four-stringed Madeiran guitar called a machete (from the Portuguese-owned Madeira islands, sometimes called a machete de Braga after the city and district in northern Portugal where the instrument originated), and even described as both a rajão, a small, five-stringed Portuguese instrument. 
Keep an eye out for the next installment of Ukulele History Part 2 
Thank you

Tuesday, 12 February 2013

Ukulele Lesson

If you are interested in learning more about meditation, relaxation, yoga retreats go here:

Monday, 11 February 2013

Palm Beach Ukulele likes Yoga Meditation For Health

Yoga Palm Beach offer Yoga classes, Meditation classes, Relax rejuvenate classes, Singing meditation, Yoga Meditation Retreats, go here for more details. Improve your health, take advantage of the low cost community classes. Great for body, mind, and spirit.

Thursday, 31 January 2013

Palm Beach Ukulele Group - PUGS

Palm Beach Ukulele Group (PUGS)

The begining of a new year and a new month. What a great time to start a new blog.

This is the first blog post for our brand new ukulele group.

This blog is a work in progress, we did put some thought into the ukulele road ahead and trying to formulate a clear direction for this blog. But then thought maybe we would adopt the more relaxed cruisealele approach. Get started by putting a blog together, a community facebook page and just keep ukeing along, send our blog and facebook page out there into the ukiverse and see what happens ... Lol ..!  We look forward to having the company of other ukulele enthusiasts.

We are basically a new group of ukulele fans. We are starting off small but we look forward to  numbers growing in there own time. There are a few ukulele clubs in our area BUT certainly no harm in starting up another, the more the merrier I think.

Above left you can see a pic of my one and only ukulele baby. It's a Lanikai saprano which I have been told recently that I paid wayyyy ...  to much $ for. A quick look online confirmed that, hmmmm ... pays to shop around. Oh well, these things happen and I'm still happy with my purchase, u.b. is a cutie, sings a pretty tune and has a  beautiful tone. I plan on adding to my collection real soon, hopefully by next week if all goes according to plan and my shipment arrives safe and sound.

Wait a second ... maybe I should learn how to play properly first ...! OR maybe we can do both at the same time, collect while learning :)

This baritone ukulele belongs to J.T. It's the latest and most favoured acquisition of his to date. He has a beautiful collection of approximately 7 fine looking ukulele's now.

JT is currently available to give brand new ukulele fans lessons. His beginner lessons will start on Sunday the 10th of  February at 11.30am and the same lesson will be repeated on Monday 11th of February 2013 at 7pm. His lovely wife is about to have their first bubs, but not on or before the 11th we hope.

If you are interested txt or call 0468344108, 0403332882, or 0437869983

O.K. if anyone has any suggestions or words of encouragement, feel free to leave comments. Any and all feedback will be greatly appreciated.

Drop by and like our community face book page "Palm Beach Ukulele Group" stay in touch and help us grow. Mahalo