Thursday, 31 January 2013

Palm Beach Ukulele Group - PUGS

Palm Beach Ukulele Group (PUGS)

The begining of a new year and a new month. What a great time to start a new blog.

This is the first blog post for our brand new ukulele group.

This blog is a work in progress, we did put some thought into the ukulele road ahead and trying to formulate a clear direction for this blog. But then thought maybe we would adopt the more relaxed cruisealele approach. Get started by putting a blog together, a community facebook page and just keep ukeing along, send our blog and facebook page out there into the ukiverse and see what happens ... Lol ..!  We look forward to having the company of other ukulele enthusiasts.

We are basically a new group of ukulele fans. We are starting off small but we look forward to  numbers growing in there own time. There are a few ukulele clubs in our area BUT certainly no harm in starting up another, the more the merrier I think.

Above left you can see a pic of my one and only ukulele baby. It's a Lanikai saprano which I have been told recently that I paid wayyyy ...  to much $ for. A quick look online confirmed that, hmmmm ... pays to shop around. Oh well, these things happen and I'm still happy with my purchase, u.b. is a cutie, sings a pretty tune and has a  beautiful tone. I plan on adding to my collection real soon, hopefully by next week if all goes according to plan and my shipment arrives safe and sound.

Wait a second ... maybe I should learn how to play properly first ...! OR maybe we can do both at the same time, collect while learning :)

This baritone ukulele belongs to J.T. It's the latest and most favoured acquisition of his to date. He has a beautiful collection of approximately 7 fine looking ukulele's now.

JT is currently available to give brand new ukulele fans lessons. His beginner lessons will start on Sunday the 10th of  February at 11.30am and the same lesson will be repeated on Monday 11th of February 2013 at 7pm. His lovely wife is about to have their first bubs, but not on or before the 11th we hope.

If you are interested txt or call 0468344108, 0403332882, or 0437869983

O.K. if anyone has any suggestions or words of encouragement, feel free to leave comments. Any and all feedback will be greatly appreciated.

Drop by and like our community face book page "Palm Beach Ukulele Group" stay in touch and help us grow. Mahalo


  1. Hi good luck with your blog I hope the keen ukulele peeps in your area find you I live in sydney

  2. I'm interested will text you.

  3. hiya, can you tell me how much lessons cost? thanks

  4. Apologies for taking forever to get back to you. Low cost community ukulele classes are $3- Txt to get more details. You can slot into the course anytime even if it's already started. Cheers
