Friday, 12 August 2016

Uke Lessons Uke Sales @yogameditationstudiopalmbeach

🌿Mantras Om Tahiti And Vegan Dinner Thursdays 6.30pm πŸŒΊ @yogameditationpalmbeach #kirtanmantraband #mantrasomtahiti  #kirtansoulartists #yoga #kirtan #ukemeditation #ukegauranga #LalitaAndTheAlohas #mantrabreathing #mantrasandmusic #compassioninaction #kirtanmusic #whatsongoldcoast #causenosorrow πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸŒΈ Raw Black Forest cake by @veganfoodblogveda Chocolate layer: - 1 cup almond meal - 1 cup walnut - 1 cup raisins - ½ cup flaxseed meal - 3 tbsp raw cacao powder - 2 tbsp melted raw cacao butter Vanilla layer: - 1 ½ cup cashews soaked overnight - ½ cup fresh lemon juice - 1 tbsp vanilla extract - 1/3 cup (or ½ cup if you are sweet tooth) agave syrup - ½ cup melted raw cacao butter Cherry layer: - 500-600 g fresh cherries - 2-3 tbsp agave or maple syrup - 1 tbsp lucuma powder (optional) - 2-3 tbsp cherry liqueur Method: 1. Finely process walnuts in food processor. Add almond meal, raisins, flaxseed meal and cacao powder. Process 2-3 minutes. Pour crumbly mixture into a bowl. 2. Take ½ cup of crumbly mixture, place in seperate bowl and add 2 tbsp melted cacao butter. Mix well. Press this mixture into a pan or a silicone mould and place into a freezer. 3. Divide remaining crumbly mixture into 2 parts and set aside. 4. Wash cherries, remove the stems and pits. Place into food processor and roughly chop. Use your hands to squeeze the juice out of the cherries. Add 2 tbsp of your choice of syrup and lucuma. Mix and place in the fridge. 5. Drain soaked cashews and blend all the ingredients of the vanilla layer until smooth. 6. Take the pan with cake base from the freezer and cover with cherry mixture and vanilla mixture. Then pour one part of the crumbly mixture. Repeat layer by layer. 7. Place your cake in the freezer and let it set for 2 hours. 8. Decorate with fresh cherries and chocolate flakes. πŸ’™πŸŒŸπŸŒžπŸŒΌπŸ’•
A post shared by Yoga Meditation Palm Beach (@yogameditationpalmbeach) on

Sunday, 27 March 2016

Palm Beach Ukulele Group Lessons @Kirtan At Cooly

Wednesday, 10 February 2016

Ukulele tunes and gauranga meditation #YogaMeditationStudioPalmBeach

Hi Palm Beach Ukies, it's great to be in our new venue @Yoga Meditation Studio Palm Beach. It's been an awesome year, lots of strumming fun and meditation. Looking forward to seeing you in class :)
Posted by Lalita Midgett on Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Friday, 22 January 2016

Palm Beach Ukulele Video 2016

Palm Beach Ukulele Group - PUGs lessons Saturday morning 9.30am :) #KirtanAtCooly 124 Marine Parade Coolangatta. Welcome :)
Posted by Palm Beach Ukulele Group - PUGs on Thursday, January 21, 2016

Monday, 4 January 2016

Ukuleles ... Great things come in SMALL packages

Palm Beach Ukulele Group - PUGs lessons Wednesday 11.30am :) The first thing to know about: Ukes is that they come in...
Posted by Ymsa - Yoga Meditation Studio Palm Beach on Tuesday, October 27, 2015